All certified translations come with a coversheet that states that the document has been translated by an experienced and qualified professional translator and that the text reflects the content, meaning and format of the original. The coversheet will be signed and come with digital stamp and date on professional letterhead.

Working with a professional and certified translation service provider like Cinch Translations helps ensure a 100% acceptance rate. Your documents will be securely handled by our team of experts who have years of experience in making your translation project a success.

We offer $23 per page for most major languages while providing fast and accurate translations. The document will maintain the same formatting as the original to guarantee acceptance. We also offer notary and apostille services if needed.

Notarized Translation Services
Certification and notarization are two terms that are often confused. A certified document is a copy of the original that has been signed and dated by e recognized person or organization as a true copy. A notarized document is a copy that has been attested to by a notary public. A certified translation is a translation that comes with a statement of accuracy and the translator’s qualifications. A notarized translation is a translation is a notarized translation that is stamped by a notary public. Certified translations are needed for legal and immigration purposes. Notarized translations are needed for local and international agencies.
Strict Standards for Certified Notarized Translation Services
Notarized translations are undertaken in accordance with laws of the state or country where the translation is to be used. With a notarized translation, it must be a precise translation of the text put in front of the translator. It should include a clause written by the certifier guaranteeing the accuracy along with a seal and signature of the notary witnessing the translators signature.
For a document to be accepted by a court or government department like the United States Immigration and Citizenship Service (USCIS), it must be certified with the translator or companies signature and does not need to be notarized. However, many other agencies and schools do require notary and the wording must comply with what is required by the state or agency where the notarized translation is to be filed.
At Cinch Translations, we not only offer notarized translation services that are rated highly by courts and state authorities, we ensure you get a quality notarized translation every time.