When you are entering another country like the U.S. for employment or to join your family who already live in the country and your native language is not English you will have to present a large number of documents to the U.S.C.I.S. before your application can be approved. If your native language is not English all your documents will need to be translated by an accurate language translation service before you submit them to the U.S.C.I.S.
This is not a job you can necessarily do well yourself, even if you are thorough understanding of the English language. Documents like passports and birth certificates need to be translated by a translator employed by an Accurate Language Translation Service so that the officer representing the U.S.C.I.S., either sitting at an office desk in the U.S.C.I.S. building or interviewing you at your local U.S. embassy or consulate will know exactly what information is in your documents. If there is any hint that any of your documents have been inaccurately translated your application will probably be delayed or if the translation is so poor and does not accurately represent who you are on your application it may even be denied.
To avoid any complications with your application you must ensure all translations of documents performed by a translator at Cinchtranslations are certified by the translator as being accurate translations of the documents you have asked to be translated. The U.S.C.I.S. requires that each document translated is accompanied by a signed statement by the translator stating that the translation is accurate.